Tuesday, March 5, 2019

5 Common Mistakes in Car Maintenance You Must Watch Out For

Car maintenance is one area where we spend a lot of money. And yet, it is also among one of the most misunderstood areas of automotive care. Many people do not know when to seek professional assistance when it comes to car servicing. Here are 4 of the top mistakes car owners make when it comes to car maintenance.
Reading about these issues will give you an idea of which fields of car maintenance are the least known about.
  1. Problems With the Lights
One of the most common faults a car owner often overlooks are blown or fused lights. While defective headlights will stand out immediately, it is often the smaller lights which are ignored. For example, the reversing lamps and lane departure warning lamps. These lights are much smaller and are not repairable; they need replacements immediately.
If you believe that any of your car’s internal or external lights are malfunctioning, it may be time for a complete Car Repair.
  1. Electrical Faults
Do the lights oscillate when the engine is running? Or is there an issue with the ignition? Well, your car may be suffering from faulty electrical circuitry. Fluctuating lights means that there is something loose in the circuits, something that can only be fixed by a professional service expert. The issue with the ignition often boils down to a faulty battery.
Electrical faults are also common in hybrid and electric vehicles. These latter categories of vehicles rely primarily on a properly functioning battery. You cannot leave anything to chance and need an immediate overhaul. In some cases, a new battery may be needed too.
If you live in and around Blackburn, check out service garages such as MG Autos for a battery repair. You can even refer to them for a TerraClean service, oil change, tyre repair, etc.
  1. Retreading Tyres is Not Safe
Whenever you see that your car’s tyres have worn out, the first thing many of us do is ignore it completely. If there is any further trouble, we also tend to retread them. It is true that retreading tyres is a cheaper option than buying a new set of wheels. However, you should always go for new tyres whenever possible. They will give you better mileage, and the safety of your vehicle will remain uncompromised over time.
Always make sure you change all four tyres simultaneously, provided you are replacing more than one tyre on a single occasion. If you only need to change a single tyre, you can gladly do so.
4. Pay Heeds to Wheel Vibration, Vehicle Pull and Drift Problems
It’s easy to forget about having your car’s wheels aligned, as misalignment is unnoticeable most of the times. Your wheels go out of alignment (either toe-in and toe-out issue) when you run your car over a pothole or hit a curb at high speed. The tyres with bad alignment start giving various indications such as vehicle pulling to either of the sides, wheel shaking, steering difficulties and uneven treadwear. Hence for longer life of your tyres, you should get your tyres/wheels aligned at regular intervals, especially when you are planning a long road trip. Wheel Alignment Blackburn is crucial to your safety, your tyre’s longevity as well as your vehicle’s performance.
5. Never Ignore Drained Fluids
A car requires a lot of different liquids. These need to be replaced over time as their efficacy decreases with age and wear. Take for example your car’s antifreeze agent. If the levels fall during winter, you may be stranded, for your vehicle won’t start.
Another good example is the transmission fluid. Without it, your car will not run. These fluids top-ups are often not DIY-friendly and need a professional hand.
The next time you go for an Oil Change, let the technician have a look at the other fluids. Maybe he or she will notice something you may have missed.
These are 5 of the most common mistakes you can make when it comes to vehicular maintenance. Keep these in mind, and you will have a fine car for years to come.

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