Sunday, September 9, 2018

Taking Proper Care of Car Tyres: A Forgotten Necessity

A car engine provides the power to run the machine, brakes are instrumental in stopping its motion, the clutch allows one to shift gears, but all of these and everything else in the car will be of little use if even one of its four tyre goes missing.

That was just a pointer towards the importance of tyres in a car. Sadly though, most car owners tend to neglect these until they encounter a flat tyre, at which point they curse the tyres as if it was somehow the tyres fault.
Truth is, nobody can predict a flat tyre. However, regular tyre maintenance can lower its chances drastically. If you follow the guidelines given below, your tyres will lead to a much longer and healthier life.

Maintain Proper Tread Depth
Treads are an essential aspect of a car tyre. They provide the tyre with grip and traction, prevent heat build-up and aquaplaning and enhance the tyre’s braking and cornering capabilities.

A typical new tyre comes with a tread depth of 8mm. However, they wear out with time due to the constant friction they encounter. As long as the tread depth is above 3 mm, your tyres are good to go. If it falls below that threshold, it’s time that you consider replacing the tyre.

Note: The legal tread depth limit for passing the MOT is 1.6 mm.

Check Pressure at Regular Intervals
Check your car’s tyre pressure at least once a week. You can do it at Nils Tyre Service, where our experts will check the optimum tyre pressure and inflate it accordingly. You can also invest in a suitable pressure gauge and do it at home. You can find the recommended tyre pressure on your cars owner’s manual or the housing of your front car door.

If it’s less than recommended, be sure to inflate your Tyres Blackburn immediately. Inadequate tyre pressure hastens uneven tread wear and even affects the handling of your car.

Do Wheel Balancing and Wheel Alignment Once Every Year

Wheel alignment and wheel balancing are entirely separate but equally important services that will make sure that your tyres stay in good condition for much longer. Wheel alignment in Blackburn involves an adjustment to the suspension system so that all the wheels are at right angles to each other. Wheel balancing, on the other hand, relates to the even weight distribution within the tyres. If the values are off, it can cause premature tread wear and lead to the early demise of your car tyres.

Tyre maintenance is not the most glamorous part of owning a car, but it’s a necessary one.  Your safety and the comfort of your co-passengers depend on it to a large extent. You can do most of it at home. Spending a few minutes every week on your tyres will ensure that you don’t have to waste any time being stuck in the middle of the road because of malfunctioning tyres. The choice is yours. Which way will you swing?